
Siro Visual Identity

Video Production leverages cutting-edge AI technology to streamline the sales process, providing businesses with intelligent insights and automation to enhance their sales strategies and improve overall efficiency. Their platform is designed to help sales teams close deals faster and with greater precision.

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The Challenge

Without a cohesive brand identity,'s visual presence was fragmented and lacked the design polish needed to reflect its innovative technology. The previous ad-hoc design efforts led to inconsistencies that weakened the brand’s overall impact.

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The Solution

We conducted a thorough audit of’s visual elements, refining key components with strong brand equity. This included transforming the existing logomark into a versatile element, creating an additional logomark, and developing a stylized UI for marketing materials. We also produced the first customer testimonial video, enhancing the brand’s narrative and visual identity.

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Materialize Marketing Blog image
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Materialize SOC2 Blog image
Materialize Marketing Blog image
Materialize Product UI