
Materialize Visual Identity


Materialize is a leading provider of real-time data streaming technology, empowering businesses to access and act on critical data with sub-second latency at a fraction of the cost of analytical data warehouses.

Materialize open graph image
The Challenge

In the absence of an internal design team, the marketing team stepped in to fill the void. Unfortunately, this led to inconsistent and off-brand designs that began to dilute the existing brand equity.

Materializes Old social image
Materialize Materializes Old social image landing page
The Solution

After auditing all existing touchpoints, we identified elements that held the most brand equity and began to refine them. This included a critical look at the existing logo mark and its usage, as well as creating an illustration style that would work for both product and conceptual ideas.

Materialize Marketing Blog image
Materialize Marketing Blog image
The Execution

In true startup fashion, most of the elements and applications of the design system were created as needs arose rather than in one large rebrand. This CI/CD style approact allowed us to continuously pressure test our visual identity and make adjustments as needed. Unfortunately, the team was affected by a RIF before we were able to fully implement the refreshed visual identity.

Materialize Marketing Blog image
Materialize Marketing Blog image
Materialize SOC2 Blog image
Materialize Product UI
Materialize Product UI
Materialize Marketing Blog image
Materialize SOC2 Blog image
Materialize Product UI
Materialize SOC2 Blog image
Materialize SOC2 Blog image